Easy closet dividers

Another quickie project I did last week was to make some closet dividers for D’s room.  
Although two-year-olds don’t put their own clothes away, my O.C. tendencies would get the best of me when someone else (Darling Husband, my mom, etc.) would mix up the contents of his closet. Golf shirts mixed with button-up shirts? The HORROR!
No, not a big deal, I know. But closet dividers are also really cute, and I like cute!
Here’s how to make them …
Get some craft foam (scrapbook paper would work, too) and trace circles that are at least four-ish inches in diameter. Look at me, with the fancy math words!

Cut out the circles. Yes, I know those are two different shades of red. That’s what happens when you are using old scraps of craft foam. Don’t worry — I plan on putting them in different spots in the closet, so people won’t notice. Shhhh.

Cut a slit into the middle of the circle … um, radius? Or something? I’m bad at geometry.

Cut a circle in the middle of the foam-circle — big enough for a closet rod. You wait exact measurements? Uh … like an inch and a half? I don’t know. We’re centimetre people here in Canada.

See! Circle within a circle, with a little slit leading to it!

Now grab your favourite Sharpie* and write all of the categories out!

*No, Sharpie did not sponsor this post. But I wish they did. I freaking love them.

D’s completed closet!

Adorable, isn’t it? You wouldn’t think it was the same closet in which he has smeared poop on the walls … on several occassions … Sorry for that visual!
Happy closet organizing!

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