Not Me Mondays

My bloggie friend, Lindsay, over at Musings of the Mrs., does a very funny thing called “Not Me Mondays.” It originated over at My Charming Kids, and I thought I’d give it a try.

Oh, and since today feels like a Monday, I’m doing it today! So here goes nothing …

I did not forgo making dinner on Sunday, and eat chips instead. I did not attempt to trick Darling Husband into thinking he already ate dinner … and then give up and hand him his own bag of chips. I totally prepared something healthy and involving veggies and salmon.
I did not forget to take Little Dog out for almost 11 hours yesterday — I am always on top of that, and take her out every two hours. For brisk runs.
I did not go online and order copies of Eating Well When You’re Expecting, What to Expect Pregnancy Journal and Organizer, and What to Expect the First Year. I would never be that obsessive or O.C.
I did not spend most of Monday reading Little House on Rocky Ridge — a book written for eight-year-olds. I actually went back and forth between the bible and War and Peace.

2 Comments on “Not Me Mondays

  1. Very nice!!! I love not me monday. I think its hilarious. Especially when people get the point (like you did) instead of using it for bragging. The misuse of not me monday is a blogger pet peeve of mine.

    And thanks for the link!!!!!


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